SterlingPLUS Platinum over Sterling Daughters Name & Date Birthstone Ring

A ring of Sterling Silver layered in Platinum is the perfect setting for your little girl's birthstone--right between mom's and dad's. Etched in script outside are her name and birthday, and inside are the words "Forever Our Daughter." She'll love the look, you'll love the price, and that makes for a very happy celebration! Specify Austrian crystal birthstones for Dad-Daughter-Mom. Specify daughter's name up to 10 letters and birth date xx-xx-xx.
A ring of Sterling Silver layered in Platinum is the perfect setting for your little girl's birthstone--right between mom's and dad's. Etched in script outside are her name and birthday, and inside are the words "Forever Our Daughter." She'll love the look, you'll love the price, and that makes for a very happy celebration! Specify Austrian crystal birthstones for Dad-Daughter-Mom. Specify daughter's name up to 10 letters and birth date xx-xx-xx.